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Inflammation & Immunology:
Root Causes

Many patients with chronic inflammatory diseases have access to therapies that only relieve their symptoms.
We believe we can address the root cause of these debilitating diseases by treating it at the molecular level.

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Disease Education Information: Inflammation

Inflammation is a critical response to potential danger signals and damage to organs in our body. But with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and many others, our own immune system turns against our organs.

These painful and debilitating conditions take an immense toll on people’s quality of life and many of these diseases are poorly managed by existing treatments that provide only symptomatic relief.

For decades, doctors relied on steroids to suppress immune response. Though an important option, steroids come with many potentially harmful side effects.

Fortunately, science has continued to advance, and today we have the opportunity to transform the management of inflammatory diseases with new classes of therapies that target other key proteins and pathways in the body.


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