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Pfizer China Medical Information Hotline: 400-910-0055
For medical questions concerning Pfizer products, please call 400-910-0055 at working time (9:00AM - 12:00PM and 1:00PM - 6:00PM on working days). You could also follow Medical Information WeChat account by searching “辉瑞小药箱” for more products information.

Beijing Office
Minmetals Plaza, Tower B, 8F No. 3-7 Chaoyangmen North Avenue Dongcheng District Beijing, P.R.China 100010
Tel: (010) 85167000 Fax: (010) 65880266

Shanghai Office
36/F, CITIC Square, 1168 Nan Jing Road (W), Shanghai, P. R. China 200041
Tel: (021) 60432500 Fax: (021) 52925885

Pfizer China R&D Center
Building No.3, Lane 60, Naxian Road, Shanghai, P.R.China 201210
Tel: (021) 28935888

Pfizer Pharmaceutical Wuxi Co., Ltd.
Bridge No.7 , Mashan, Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province 214092
Tel: (0510) 85960999

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