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Practicing Corporate Social Responsibilities, bringing the Breakthroughs that Change Patients’ Lives

HomeAboutResponsibilityCorporate Social Responsibility

For Pfizer China, CSR is not the philosophy for a single project or plan, but the fundamental philosophy running through the business operation and the driving force of its sustainable development.

We always keep our social responsibilities in mind by supporting and promoting the overall development of China healthcare industry, providing innovative and high-quality healthcare products, valuing the employees’ interests and the development of public welfare. Pfizer China always makes full use of its professional knowledge and resource advantages in the medical field and cooperates with government agencies, medical institutions and social organizations on disease cognition, capacity building and health promotion.

Pfizer also actively participates in public welfare undertakings in China. We cooperate with the public welfare organizations for assistance to poor areas, disaster relief, rural vitalization and health promotion. We also provide emergency aid and professional support, including drugs, funds and personnel training, and encourage as well as organize the employees to participate in the social volunteer activities to help more people in need.

Pfizer “Act With Love” Volunteering Engagement

Pfizer “Act with Love” volunteering engagement have been developed a series of regular employee volunteering projects and have been implemented in many cities nationwide. The series of projects include “Healthy China Journey” series; “Sunny Plan Community” series; “Children Health Education Class” series and “Beautiful Voice Program” series etc.

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