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HomeAboutResponsibilityCSRCSR VolunteerPfizer “Act With Love” Volunteering Engagement 


Pfizer “Act with Love” volunteering engagement have been developed a series of regular employee volunteering projects and have been implemented in many cities nationwide. The series of projects include “Healthy China Journey” series; “Sunny Plan Community” series; “Children Health Education Class” series and “Beautiful Voice Program” series etc.


Pfizer has always supported its employees to serve the community, carry out voluntary services, provide employees with opportunities to participate in public welfare activities, and encourage employees to drive their families, relatives and friends to participate together, fulfill the social responsibilities.
So far, Pfizer “Act with Love” program have been developed a series of regular employee volunteering projects and have been implemented in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Fuzhou etc. many cities nationwide. The series of projects include the following:

  • “Healthy China Journey” series helps rural revitalization through online and offline employee volunteering engagement, making public welfare both meaningful and interesting through innovative forms;

  • The "beautiful voice" of caring for hearing disorders series projects:  During the annual POA meeting, thousands of Pfizer employees raised funds to help poor hearing disorder children to carry out professional language training. Hundreds of Pfizer employees participated in to help these children practice and accompany patiently. 

  • “Sunny Plan Community” helping the elderly series, through Pfizer employee volunteers, combines the elderly and migrant children in the community, and promotes exchanges and interactions between the three age groups, which has been widely recognized.

  • “Children Health Education Class” series included "beverage kingdom" food safety course, "paper forest" environmental protection course, "finger traffic" travel safety course and "wealth little magician" improve financial quotient course. It has everything from curriculum design and scale to teachers' professional courseware and experimental teaching aids to guide children to fully participate, use their brains, hands and think.

Up to now, total of 3622 volunteers participated, provided with 13933 hours of volunteer service. In the future, Pfizer will continue to organize and through a series of employee volunteer activities, extend a helping hand to people in need, warm ourselves and illuminate others!

Focus Area

Rural Revitalization, Care for Hearing Disorder, Environment Protection.

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