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HomeSciencePfizer China R&D CenterPfizer China R&D Center|Shanghai ShanghaiChina Research & Development CenterShanghai

Pfizer China R&D Center was established on October 31, 2005, at Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Park Zone. It is one of the earliest and largest R & D centers set up by multinational pharmaceutical enterprises in China. As an important R & D hub of Pfizer in the Asia Pacific region, the center provides support services for Pfizer's global biological and chemical pharmaceutical research and development projects. In addition to activities related to drug development, the center also cooperates with academic research institutions, clinical trial institutions (CRO) and government research institutions across Asia to enhance research capacity in Asia. Currently Pfizer has more than 1,800 R&D colleagues working in China and established an affiliated site at Wuhan Biolake - the national biological industrial base, which greatly expands the research and development scale as well as cooperative fields in China.

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