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Pfizer Medical Information

Medical Information is a Global Organization that provides 'One Medical Voice' with high quality and consistent medical information. We interact directly with healthcare professionals, patients and caregivers. As the trusted authority on the risks and benefits of the products in our portfolio, we empower healthcare decisions regarding their safe and appropriate use.

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(For Healthcare Professionals)

Our medical service

Respond to unsolicited medical information requests from patients, caregivers and a diverse set of healthcare professionals
  • Provide accurate and balanced clinical and scientific information in a timely manner to healthcare professionals
  • Deliver product information to patients and caregivers
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(For Healthcare Professionals)

Our medical platform for healthcare professionals

Pfizer Medical Information WebsiteProvide healthcare professionals with easy access & easy use of medical information, including but not limited to:
  • Pfizer product labelling information, FAQs and medication aids; 
  • Clinical guidelines and publication updates on related therapeutic areas;
  • literature search and browse;
  • Medical request submission.

Our medical platform for patients and caregivers

Pfizer Meds WeChatProvide patients with handy medical information and service regarding Pfizer products and related disease areas.
Prescribed patients have access to Pfizer product information after scan the Drug Traceability Code in product packages.
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